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SEini ‘SistaNative’ Taumoepeau

Sēini ‘SistaNative’ Taumoepeau (She/Her) is an Orator & Songwoman, she practices Faivā (performance of space). A voice of Modern Australia - Sēini is an inter-disciplinary Artist, Storyteller & Founder of OceaniaX & LELEI Wellness.

Commissioned by an iconic list: Sydney Opera House, ABC Australian Broadcast Corporation & Museum of Contemporary Art. Sēini is a veteran of the Arts, Media, Culture, Educational & Personal Development sectors with an Intersectional Oceanic-Pacific lens & First Nations focus.

She carries medicine in her presence, hands & voice, commanding an aesthetic in harmony & rhythm, working with the invisible & intangible.

Connecting with global communities, Sēini is also known as: SistaNative, Napangardi & Cantora - from Kingdom of Tonga origins, an Australian veteran with a career spanning more than 30+ years as a Performance Artist, Presenter/Broadcaster & Creative Industries professional.

Image Credit: Sēini ‘SistaNative’ Taumoepeau performance ‘in action’ photo - Sydney Opera House NOV 2019 ‘Natives Go Wild’
